Thank you to the Capital Region for all your donations to Ukraine! All the supplies that came to our church the last few months for donation have been loaded on tractor trailers and delivered to Poland and Ukraine. We are no longer accepting items to ship. The shipping cost are too expensive so we are using monetary donations to buy supplies in neighboring countries to Ukraine. We really appreciate all your donations and the overwhelming outpouring of support.

We are an Orthodox Christian Church, professing the unaltered faith and teachings of Jesus Christ and His Apostles, and worshipping according to a cycle of liturgical services which have been in use for nearly two thousand years. The Orthodox faith is the original Christian faith in all of its beauty and glory. Our church follows the Julian (Old) Calendar. You are all welcome to come and join our parish family. We hope to see you on Sunday at 9:00 AM for Divine Liturgy and for coffee after the Liturgy. May God bless you in all your daily activities.
General Information – Загальна Інформація
The Divine Liturgy is served every Sunday at 9:00 AM (The First Sunday of the month is in English and the rest of the Sundays are in both languages English and Ukrainian).
Божественна Літургія служиться щонеділі о 9:00 ранку.
Holy Confession is available before Liturgy.
Свята Сповідь перед Літургією.
For Baptisms, Weddings, Panakhyda or any other services, please arrange with Father Vasyl Dovgan.
Про Хрещення, Вінчання, Панахиди чи інші Богослужіння, будь ласка, домовтeся з настоятелем отцем Василем Довганoм.
Pastoral Visitations: Please inform Father Vasyl if any of your friends or family members cannot attend Church on a regular basis and would like to receive Spiritual guidance.
Пастирськi Відвідини: Будь ласка, повідомте отця Василя, якщо будь-хто з ваших друзів або членів сім’ї не можуть прибути до Церкви.

16 Feb 2025 at 10:17am